Book Night
Our annual book night is scheduled for Friday, April 12th this year. It is a two part event consisting of dinner (6 pm), and then a light dessert and book discussion (7 pm). Feel free to come to just one or both parts. For the book discussion we generally go around the table sharing which books we've enjoyed recently. All ages and book genres are welcome! We would like to hear what books you have enjoyed whether they be fantasy, theology, historical, sci-fi, political, poetry, biography or instructional books. See Roni C. for details.
Valentine Card Making
Every year we remember our college students on Valentines Day with a handmade Valentine card and gift card. One of our lovely women will be designing the cards and leading us in a workshop to create them. We'll have refreshments and plenty of time to fellowship.
Women's Retreat
$125 per person includes lodging for 2 nights plus 6 fabulous home-cooked, family style, all-you-can-eat meals. Scholarships may be available through the church (let Cynthia Rowland know if you would like financial consideration). Carpooling available. Are you interested in coming for only one night? Is it impossible for you to arrive on Friday evening? Don’t let the 2-night stay be binding on you. There may also be others that share your schedule limitations that you could carpool with for a shorter stay. For information and RSVP, see Cynthia Rowland.
All Women in the Church (WIC) Meeting
Please mark your calendars and plan on coming to this important organizational meeting. We will discuss what our women’s ministries has been doing and make plans for next year. This is your chance to share your ideas and be a part of the formation of our ministry. Any questions, please see Roni Campelli.