We are a member church in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). We ascribe to the Westminster Confession of Faith together with the Larger and Shorter Catechisms as our standard of doctrine.
As the Lord enables, we
Worship in spirit and truth,
Grow in love and holiness,
Evangelize in word and deed,
Make disciples.
Because our identity as a church is defined by our relationship to God as His people, the fundamental purpose of the church is worship. From this commitment to worship flows the church's mission. The church is thus a people in a relationship and then a people with a mission. God calls us to worship Him, according to that manner in which He has revealed Himself - in spirit and truth. As a church worships God in spirit and truth, so it will reflect Him by its witness in word and deed.
The goal and object of worship is the glory of God. The attention of worship ought not fall on the individual nor on the congregation but rather, as the Scriptures suggest, on God as He is mediated to us through Word, Sacrament, prayers and hymns. We believe that worship ought not to be entertainment-oriented nor strictly functional in character.
Discipleship And Fellowship
The New Testament calls us to be disciples of Christ and to train others to be disciples of Christ. Thus, it is part of our mission to train those in our midst to glorify God with their whole lives. This training involves not simply the passing on of information about God, but also encouraging the formation of Christian character and faithfulness in all our lives. In addition, we are to support our families as they also are given the privilege of training in righteousness.
Given the central importance of discipleship in the life of the church, the calling of church leaders is conceived first in spiritual terms and secondarily in administrative terms. This is especially true of elders (including the pastor) who are called to provide pastoral, theological, and evangelistic oversight of the congregation.
We are also called as members of the body of Christ to love and serve each other and to encourage and support each other in the faith. We have as our model for fellowship Christ Himself. Through fellowship, Christian service, and prayer with and for fellow believers we seek to be more like Christ in all aspects of our lives.
Outreach and Missions
The church is called to be a light to the world, faithfully proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. Though we must not sacrifice truth in our witness to the surrounding culture, neither should we erect barriers that Christ Himself has not established. Thus we seek to follow the Spirit's leading in finding ways to proclaim the gospel to the community where God has place us.
Missions is best understood as a witness to Christ through the proclamation of the gospel and the presence of worshiping believers. In this sense, missions is centrally about the planting and growing of local churches which in turn multiply. We are committed to supporting this process both locally and globally.
We recognize Concord and the surrounding area as our unique mission field. Toward that end we do not seek to become a mega-church but strive to focus our New England missions on activities which contribute to church planting: community evangelism, nurturing of core groups, and active support of the Southern New England Presbytery and other organizations involved in local evangelism. Our goal is to plant and nurture mission churches in the Boston region.
Global missions must also be thought of as flowing from our commitment to church planting. Our resources will focus on individuals and teams with the planting of indigenous churches as their primary purpose. We endeavor to establish strong ties between our missionaries and our congregation so that a long term supportive relationship can be established. We also sponsor short term missions to heighten our awareness of the global church and to recruit local persons for missions.